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Our Mission

Our mission is to share evidence about our District 7 Congressman that reveals his character, corruption and lies.

See the Evidence for Yourself

Business, financial, military, marriage, voting, and other records tell a very different story about our congressman than his campaign, media appearances, and overall claims. 

Hear the Truth for Yourself

Listen to the lies straight from our congressman's mouth, as well as how he really speaks to people. 


Florida deserves better than a self-serving, deceitful RINO who has cosponsored 10 bills with Radical Democrats

Congressional District 7

District 7: Seminole and Volusia
What Kind of Congressman Do You Want Representing You, Your Family, Your Business?

Campaigns can be tricky business. Smooth talkers and fancy ads, riveting speeches and passionate promises. It’s easy to take things at face value and vote based on the information we’re presented with — especially when the messaging says all the right things.

“I was a highly decorated combat veteran"

"I proudly served 7 yrs in Iraq, 2 in Afghanistan, Kosovo, and many other places you wouldn’t want to go in service of our nation"

"I was deployed many times"

"I rescued Americans in Afghanistan"

"90 percent of all our work is all law enforcement"

"I have experience in foreign policy"

"I owned my own successful business"

"I just bought a new house in New Smyrna"

"I've been anti-Ukraine the entire time"

Sounds like a stand up guy, a man worthy and capable of representing Seminole and Volusia County, right?

The Truth About Florida Congressman Cory Mills
  • What if their nearly their entire campaign was based on lies?

  • What if they kept deceiving their voters once elected?

  • What if they voted with RINOs and radical democrats -- and even boasted about it?

  • What if their military service, job history, experience, and business successes were grossly exaggerated?

  • What if they had 5 huge IRS liens placed against them for not paying their income taxes over several years?

  • What if they worked for foreign governments and were married in a mosque with known terrorist ties?

  • What if their promises to voters are as empty as their campaign was deceitful?

  • What if their claims of leading and funding rescues in Israel, Haiti, and Afghanistan were gross exaggerations and lies?

RINO Voting Record -- 724 times in 2023

Cosponsored 10 Bills with 8 Radical Democrats

“A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. If bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you.” - Ayn Rand

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